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The Top 7 (Almost) Unkillable Houseplants

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Indoor plants aren’t created equal. There are those that are needier than a new born baby (we see you, moth orchid!), while others are so hardy that they’d give the Terminator a run for his money. Personally, I don’t see any harm in embracing the latter. 

These unkillable indoor plants are the real MVPs of the houseplant world. They don’t need much attention, don’t mind if you forget to water them, and always look gorgeous in summer or winter. If you’re always saying “I don’t have time to look after plants”, these are the plants for you.

So, here’s my pick of 7 unkillable indoor plants that come with absolutely zero baggage.

Snake plant 

Also known as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, this suave, serpentine-looking plant is the ultimate survivor. Its unmistakable green and yellow leaves are tall enough to demand attention even in busy spaces, despite needing very little maintenance. 

Tolerating all manner of abuse, it’s the perfect choice for those who are new to indoor gardening or have a tendency to forget to water their plants. The Snake Plant can also thrive in dark conditions, making it ideal for rooms that don’t receive a lot of natural light.

When it comes to plant care, it prefers to be left alone and only needs watering once every 2-3 weeks—a bit like its namesake. In fact, it’s so resilient that it can even survive in a room with fluctuating temperatures and humidity levels. Just be sure to place it in well-draining soil and a pot with good drainage holes to avoid root rot. 

Spider plant 

A quirky, energetic green friend that’s small on size but big on character. Its delicate, dance-like leaves are speckled with cheerful yellow variegation, adding a burst of sunshine to minimalistic spaces. But this beauty isn’t just about looks: it’s a powerhouse of air purification, gobbling up harmful toxins to leave your home cleaner and fresher.

Despite its refined demeanour, the Spider Plant is a true toughie. It can thrive in a variety of lighting conditions, from low to bright, and can withstand long periods without water. And when it comes to soil, it’s not picky— it’ll grow in just about any type, as long as it’s well-draining. Repotting every few years will keep it happy and healthy.

ZZ plant 

The next unkillable plant on our list is the ZZ Plant. With its glossy, dark green leaves and architectural form, the ZZ Plant is a true survivor in the world of indoor plants. This hardy species is known for its ability to endure low light conditions and infrequent watering, making it an ideal choice for those with busy schedules.

What sets the ZZ Plant apart is its distinctive rhizome root system, which allows it to store water and nutrients. This means it can go longer between waterings and still look vibrant and healthy. The leaves themselves are thick and waxy, providing the plant with extra protection against pests and environmental stress. 

When it comes to caring for a ZZ Plant, the key is to not over-water it. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out completely, and avoid placing the plant in high humidity areas. That’s about all there is to it!


The Pothos, or Epipremnum aureum for our Latin buffs, is a dream indoor plant for people who want maximum drama and limited fuss. It’s well-known for having yellowish, heart-shaped leaves that trail down the sides of pots, living up to its other name, ‘Golden Pothos.’

But its beauty isn’t just skin deep, as it is also a low-maintenance and low-light-tolerant plant, making it a perfect choice for those who are slim on time. It’s not picky about water and soil, either, so you can enjoy its lush leaves without the stress of daily watering.

Want an indoor plant that’s going to make you feel good? The Pothos is known for its air-purifying properties, shown to remove toxins like formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene from the air. A reason in itself to plant one of these in your home!

Peace Lily

Peaceful by name, peaceful by nature, this plant is the epitome of ‘serene.’ You’ll probably know peace lilies already, as their green foliage and gentle white flowers are often abundant in home decor magazines. Beyond its calming aesthetics, it is also an expert at removing indoor pollutants, making it a top choice for those looking to improve home air quality.

One of the reasons why Peace Lilies are so durable is their ability to store water. This allows them to survive long periods without feeding, meaning they’re resilient in environments where humidity is low. As they’re native to tropical regions, which have warm temperatures, they’re more than equipped to handle your indoor conditions.

Cast Iron Plant

If names are anything to go by, you know this plant screams hard-as-nails. Its long, rich green leaves have all the survival traits of an SAS soldier, flourishing in even the harshest conditions, and embodying the term “indestructible.” This gorgeous species can take on anything you throw at it: low light, drought, even neglect. It’s no wonder mine is still standing strong after several years.

Originating from Asia, it’s at home in low light conditions and can adapt to just about any environment. Its lush leaves add texture and a smattering of sophistication to living areas—so try potting it in spaces you want to breathe a bit of life into. For those with a love for green spaces but a brown thumb, this is a fantastic choice.

Rubber Plant

The Rubber Plant is native to India, where it grows as a towering tree, and its toughness extends to its ability to thrive indoors. For instance, it can withstand low light conditions and can go without water for several weeks at a time—perfect if you want to head off on your jollies without worrying about your plants! The Rubber’s robustness also extends to its foliage: it’s relatively resistant to pests and diseases.

In terms of aesthetics, this beauty boasts broad, dark green leaves with a glossy sheen that naturally vyes for attention. But don’t let its sophisticated appearance fool you—the Rubber Plant is an ideal option for those who want a touch of greenery without having to put in too much effort.

In terms of air-purifying abilities, the Rubber Plant is up there with the best. It helps to remove harmful toxins, such as benzene and formaldehyde, from the air.

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